Live in North Arlington, TX and need professional tree services?
Call us locally at (817) 721-1507 - mention our site and receive 10% off!
Fully Insured - Locally Owned HEB Tree Trimming Professionals - Stump Grinding - Commercial + Residential Cutting
About Us: Justin's Tree Service has countless references across HEB, North Arlington and DFW for every tree job imaginable. If you need some basic yearly trimming or maintenance, or want to take down and remove an old or rotting tree - we can help! Customer satisfaction is our highest priority and we look forward to earning your business through hard work, integrity and great low prices - year round! We handle most any manner of removal, pruning, clipping and power line assistance plus city orders. |
Local Arlington, TX tree spotlight - The Bradford Pear
This is a tree very common to the Arlington area. You will see these trees lining the streets of many local neighborhoods and they are fairly low maintenance. However, there are some disadvantages. Learn more below:
Deciduous - Sun
Ht. 25' Spread 15'
Spacing 10' to 20'
We travel anywhere in the area:
This is a tree very common to the Arlington area. You will see these trees lining the streets of many local neighborhoods and they are fairly low maintenance. However, there are some disadvantages. Learn more below:
Deciduous - Sun
Ht. 25' Spread 15'
Spacing 10' to 20'
- Habit: Upright, very symmetrical, stiff, candelabra like branching. Early spring white flowers, red fall color. Short lived.
- Culture: Easy, any soil, normal water and fertilization.
- Uses: Specimen ornamental tree, spring flower color looks great.
- Problems: Overused, short life. Very common
We travel anywhere in the area: